4  Artificial Intelligence: Using Machine Learning to Classify Students and Predict Low Achievers


Mohammed Saqr

Kamila Misiejuk

Santtu Tikka

Sonsoles López-Pernas

This chapter addresses the classification of at-risk students in educational settings using machine learning approaches in R. Transitioning from regression-based predictions of students’ grades covered by the previous chapter, the focus here shifts to identifying broader categories of academic performance, such as low achievers or potential dropouts. Early identification of such students enables timely interventions, one of the main goals of learning analytics. The process is first illustrated through a Random Forest classifier, using engagement indicators to classify students into high and low achievers. The chapter demonstrates the complete modeling workflow, including data preparation, model training, and evaluation using performance metrics. Additionally, the tidymodels framework is explored as a more modern alternative that enables easy comparison with other AI / machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes or Support Vector Machine.

1 Introduction

In the previous chapter [1], we implemented machine learning to predict students’ grades as a continuous outcome, i.e., predicted the numerical final grades, which is often referred to as a regression problem. However, more often than not, we are not interested in the specific grade but rather in a broad range or category such as drop-outs (students who abandon the course) or low achievers (students who will score below a certain grade or fail the course). In that, we want to identify whether a student is at risk of dropping out or failing a course and, therefore, may need support. Hence, in this chapter we address this achievement classification problem. The most common achievement classification problem is to classify or in fact predict low achievers [2]. This is commonly done with early course data given that there will be an opportunity for remedial and support before the end of the course. Similar to the previous chapter, we will start by demonstrating the code for a random forest model [1]. Random forest is chosen because it is robust and offers insights (explanation) into the important variables that drove the algorithm to take a decision [3]. The analysis process involves a sequence of steps similar to the previous chapter with two notable differences. First, we have to prepare the data in a slightly different manner and the evaluation and the metrics follow a different approach given that it is a classification problem. Also, similar to the previous chapter, we will begin with the traditional approach and then we will proceed with the tidymodels approach.

2 Previous research on identifying at-risk students

There are several aims in research on the identification of at-risk students: 1) to develop a model to identify the at-risk students, 2) to identify attributes or indicators for the identification of at-risk students, 3) to develop and evaluate intervention methods to prevent student dropout or failure [46].

Several studies compared the performance of several algorithms to predict at-risk students. For example, [7] reported that Naïve Bayes (NB) outperformed k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machines (SVM). [8] developed a predictive model using genetic algorithms that performed better than DT, RF, Multilayer Perceptron, Logistic Regression (LG), and the AdaBoost algorithm (ADA). The Deep Long Short-Term Memory Model by [9] outperformed LG and artificial neural networks. RF was the best-performing algorithm in [10] compared to SVM, KNN, ET, ADA, Gradient boosting classifier, and Deep Feed Forward Neural Network, in [11] compared to SVM, KNN, DT, ADA, Extreme Gradient, Bayesian Classifier, and Linear Discriminant Analysis, and in [12] compared to DT, SVM and NB. [13] reported that KNN had a higher performance than LG, SVM with different kernels, DT, and RF. Finally, instead of comparing different methods, [14] combined five base classifiers (NB, SVM, KNN, Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction classifier and C4.5 classifier) into the Majority Voting ensemble classifier. As the diversity of potential classification algorithms and the differing performance results indicate, the portability of predictive models from one context to another can be challenging [12, 15]. In addition, model interpretability and transparency are important in the practical implementations of predictive models. However, there is a trade-off in predictive accuracy and the ability to generate generalizable models of low transparency models to take into consideration [15].

The selection of data and development of appropriate indicators used in a predictive model is a subject of extensive research. Most studies use student log data to determine student performance [e.g., 8, 16, 17]. Several studies complement student activity data with additional data sources. For example, [18] included not only student log data but also library book loans or card swipes into buildings. [7] used the pre-test scores and formative assessment scores in their predictive model. [19] found that demographic data improved prediction. [20] included a bias analysis in order to include three protected demographic attributes into their predictive model. [21] collected clicker data, as the learning management system was not popular to use by students. It is important to remember that every predictive model needs to be complemented by human judgment and contextual information. The research reported in [22], where the authors focused on examining false positive and false negative errors of a predictive model, showed that there are many events that can influence student behavior and performance that are not captured by the predictive models, such as family or work responsibilities and health issues.

The typical definitions of at-risk students include students who are likely to drop out of a class or students who may fail a particular exam. A vast body of research reported indicators of struggling students identified by their predictive models. For example, [14] found that the strongest predictors of performance are connected to the successful completion of a set of course activities, such as watching videos or completing self-assessment quizzes. Similarly, [6] reported that student engagement and the consistency of using online resources were the strongest performance predictors. [10] found that clickstream and assessment variables had the most significant impact on student performance. [12] reported the highest predictive power of formative assessment scores and cumulative GPA. [23] highlighted the importance of the first written assignment and quiz for student attrition. A similar finding was reported in [11], who reported the average grade obtained in the first period of the first semester as the strongest dropout predictor. Other conceptualizations of at-risk students include tracking when a student suddenly changes their typical behavior in an online learning system [19] or defining a specific threshold to consider a student at risk, e.g., scores below 5% over the passing mark [6].

The temporal dimension is crucial in developing predictive models. It includes several aspects, such as how often predictions should be calculated, how long the data should be collected to ensure accurate predictions, when predictions should take place in order to be actionable, or how long a student should be inactive to trigger an intervention. For example, [14] used data from the first cohort of students to develop a classifier for another cohort of students. [8] generated a prediction model every two weeks, while [18] generated an alert of no-engagement after a period of two weeks of inactivity. Others calculate predictions every week [e.g., 24, 25] or every four weeks [12] or sometimes even on daily basis [26]. The intervals can also vary depending of the purpose of the predictive model. [13] developed predictions of passing or failing the next formative exam once a week, and, in addition, the classifiers from the first six weeks of classes were trained to predict the outcome of the mid-term exam, and the classifiers from weeks 7 to 12 were used to predict the end-of-semester’s exam outcome. [9] developed a classifier that has shown around 90% accuracy within the first 10 weeks of student interaction in an online learning environment, [23] reported a satisfactory prediction probability after week 5, while [10] showed almost 80% precision and accuracy score at 20% of the course length.

The predictions can be displayed directly to a student in the form of a dashboard or an alert. Another option is to inform a teacher about struggling students in a teacher-facing dashboard or through notifications [27]. Learning analytics dashboards that include predictive analytics are not widely implemented [28]. In addition, these dashboards often present only the prediction in the form of a visualization (e.g., signal lights) or percentage score without any explanation [29]. However, there is evidence that awareness of being at risk is not enough to improve student outcomes, and predictions need to be connected to be connected to an intervention [12]. The interventions can have different forms. For example, based on the analytics shown in a teacher-facing dashboard, a teacher can contact at-risk students personally to provide additional support [30]. Automated interventions embedded within the predictive analytics can include an adaptive feedback system that sends students custom messages based on their performance [13] or sending student-specific recommendations for learning materials and additional mentoring [12]. The evaluation of the interventions can be measured in reduced drop-out or increased performance. A comprehensive implementation of predictive analytics includes several iterations of improving the predictive model, adjusting an effective and transparent representation of the predictive results, and evaluating several intervention approaches [31].

3 Classifying students with R

In this section we present two approaches to implement classification with R: one following a more classic procedure (tutorial 1), and the second one following a more updated procedure (tutorial 2) based on tidymodels. Broadly, the workflow followed is depicted in Figure 11.4, aligned with the common steps that are performed in any ML pipeline. First, we explore the data to gain an idea of the magnitude, format and content of the data, explore the relationships between the different variables, etc. This step is called exploratory data analysis. Next, we prepare the data (B) for subsequent steps. This might include removing or fixing incomplete records, converting data to different types, unifying values that are close to one another, or rescaling the data. The transformations that we need to do are commonly dictated by the type of data and the ML models that we will be using in subsequent steps. After data preparation, the next step is data splitting (C). Here, the dataset is divided into training and testing sets. The training set is used to fit the model, while the testing set is reserved for evaluating its performance. It is crucial to ensure that the testing set remains untouched until the evaluation stage to provide an unbiased estimate of the model’s generalization ability. Once the data is split, the process moves to model fitting (D). During this stage, the training data is used to train the selected machine learning models. This involves finding the optimal parameters that minimize error or maximize predictive accuracy for the given task. Depending on the algorithm, the model may identify different patterns, such as decision boundaries or relationships between features and the target variable. Finally, in the model evaluation step (E), the trained model is tested on the unseen testing data. Performance metrics that quantify the accuracy and precision of the model are computed to determine how well the model performs on new data. This step ensures that the model is not overfitting the training data and can generalize well to other datasets. We can repeat this process for several models with different underlying ML algorithms (tutorial 3), or using only a subset of features of the data and compare the performance metrics among different models to select the one with the best fit.

Figure 1. ML workflow implemented in the tutorial

3.1 Tutorial 1: A traditional classification approach with Random Forest

The first example follows the workflow depicted in Figure 11.4– We will estimate a Random Forest model to classify students into high achievers and low achievers based on their final grades and the engagement indicators as predictors. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the R programming language. If that is not the case, it is recommended to refer to previous tutorials on the basics of R [32], data cleaning [33], basic statistics [34], and visualization [35]. In this chapter we will use a dataset that was used in the previous chapter [1] and based on this paper [17].

In Step 1, we start by loading the necessary R packages. We use randomForest [3] to estimate a random forest model, tidyverse [36] for data manipulation and visualization, rsample [37] for splitting the data, caret [38] for model evaluation, and pROC to visualize this evaluation. We also use the package rio [39] to import the data. To ensure reproducibility, we set the seed to a random number (1410). Setting the seed ensures that the code will produce identical results every time it is run. For instance, the data will be randomly split in the same way each time.

The next step would be conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) to better understand the dataset and identify possible relationships between variables or problems in the data (Figure 11.4–A). We implemented this step in detail with the same dataset in Chapter 3 [1] so we will not repeat it here for the sake of brevity. Therefore, we can move on to the next step, which is data preparation (Figure 11.4–B). We prepare the data by creating a new binary classification target variable named Achievement by categorizing students into High_Achievers and Low_Achievers based on their Final_Grade. Those who are above the median (top 50%) will be classified as high achievers and the others will be classified as lower achievers. This categorical variable is coded as a factor as it is required by several functions. Of course, there are several ways to label students as at risk; for instance, based on a threshold score of 60% or even higher.

In Step 2, we split the dataset into training and testing sets using an 80/20 split where we will use 80% of the data to train the model and 20% for evaluation (corresponding to Figure 11.4–C). We use the argument strata = "Achievement" to make sure that both the training and testing datasets have balanced classes of low and high achievers.

Having prepared the data we will then, define and fit the random forest model (Figure 11.4–D) to predict Achievement based on engagement indicators e.g., lecture views, forum activity, session counts, total duration of activities, and active days.

Lastly, to evaluate the model (Figure 11.4–e), we make predictions on the test dataset using the fitted model. For binary classification models, the evaluation commonly includes a confusion matrix as well as other metrics e.g., accuracy, precision, and recall as well as a visual evaluation through the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which we will explain in context with the estimation code.

The first chunk of code loads the necessary libraries and the data that we will use for building the model and sets a random seed as described earlier.

# Load necessary libraries 
library(randomForest)  # For Random Forest model
library(tidyverse)     # For data manipulation and visualization
library(rsample)    # For data splitting and modeling workflow
library(caret)      # For model evaluation
library(pROC) # For visualizing receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves) 
library(rio)  # For importing data files 

# Set seed for reproducibility

3.1.1 Preparing the data

As a first step in our analysis, we prepare the data (Figure 11.4–B) by creating a binary target variable, Achievement, which categorizes students based on their Final_Grade. Specifically, students with grades above the median are labeled as “High Achievers”, and those below are labeled as “Low Achievers”. This transformation is performed using the mutate function, ensuring the target variable is a factor with appropriate levels.

# Step 1: Load and prepare the data
raw_data <- import("https://github.com/lamethods/data2/raw/main/lms/lms.csv")

# Create a binary classification target variable
median_grade <- median(raw_data$Final_Grade)
student_data <- raw_data |>
  mutate(Achievement = factor(ifelse(Final_Grade > median_grade, 
                                     "High_Achievers", "Low_Achievers"), 
                              levels = c("Low_Achievers", "High_Achievers")))

3.2 Splitting the data into training and testing sets

In the second step, we split the dataset into training and testing sets (Figure 11.4–C) using an 80/20 split. To maintain the class distribution, we use stratified sampling by passing the option strata to the initial_split function with the which takes care of distributing the achievement classes (high and low achievers) in the training and testing sets in a balanced way. In doing so, we ensure that both the training and testing sets are representative of the overall class distribution and we create a more balance model.

# Step 2: Split the data into training and testing sets
data_split <- initial_split(student_data, prop = 0.8, strata = "Achievement")
train_data <- training(data_split)
test_data <- testing(data_split)

3.3 Creating and training the model

In step 3, we create and fit a random forest model using the randomForest function (Figure 11.4–D). The model predicts the Achievement variable based on engagement indicators (e.g., course views, lecture views, forum consumption and contribution), regularity indicators (Regularity Course View, Regularity Lecture_View, Regularity Forum Consume, Regularity Forum Contribute), and time indicators (session counts, total duration of activities, active days) [16]. The model is specified using a formula syntax: target_variable ~ predictor_1 + predictor_2 + ... + predictor_n. To ensure model robustness, we set ntree to 1000 (please refer to the previous chapter for more details on the number of trees [1]). Given that we are also interested in explaining the results, we set the importance argument to TRUE to estimate the importance of each variable.

# Step 3: Create and fit a Random Forest model
rf_model <- randomForest(
  Achievement ~ Freq_Course_View + Freq_Lecture_View + Freq_Forum_Consume +
    Freq_Forum_Contribute + Regularity_Course_View + 
    Regularity_Lecture_View + Regularity_Forum_Consume +
    Regularity_Forum_Contribute + Session_Count + 
    Total_Duration + Active_Days,
  data = train_data, 
  ntree = 1000,
  importance = TRUE)

3.4 Evaluating the model

In step 4, we apply the model that we just trained to a new dataset (the test set) to evaluate its performance on new data (unseen by the model) that we held out. This allows us to evaluate how the model perform, or in other words, how likely the results we obtained to replicate in the future. A good model is expected to perform well on both learning and testing data. For the evaluation purpose, we use the predict function to generate predictions from our trained random forest model, rf_model and the test_data. The predict function generates two types of predictions: the probabilities and the classes.

1) Probability Predictions: estimate the probability of a student belonging to each achievement category (Low Achievers or High Achievers), we save these probabilities in a predictions_prob variable. To get these probabilities we specify the argument type = "prob" argument.

2) Class Predictions: predict the most likely achievement category for each student i.e., whether the student is predicted as high or low achiever. We save these class predictions in the predictions_class variable.

In the last step, and for convenience, we we add these prediction as extra columns within the original test dataset to make it easier for further analysis.

# Step 4: Make predictions on the test set for the probabilities and the classes
predictions_prob <- predict(rf_model, test_data, type = "prob")
predictions_class <- predict(rf_model, test_data)

# Add predictions and probabilities to the test dataset
test_data <- test_data |>
  mutate(Predicted_Class = predictions_class,
         Probability_Low_Achievers = predictions_prob[, "Low_Achievers"],
         Probability_High_Achievers = predictions_prob[, "High_Achievers"])

In Step 5, we evaluate the model’s performance (Figure 11.4–E). For this, we use the confusionMatrix function from the caret package, which provides a detailed evaluation, including the confusion matrix and several other metrics. The confusion matrix is a table that summarizes the model’s predictions compared to the actual outcomes. Specifically, it shows the counts of correctly predicted positive cases (true positives), correctly predicted negative cases (true negatives), incorrectly predicted positive cases (false positives), and incorrectly predicted negative cases (false negatives).

For example, in our case:

  • True Positives (TP): 20 Low-achieving students were correctly classified as “Low Achievers”.
  • True Negatives (TN): 23 High-achieving students were correctly classified as “High Achievers”.
  • False Positives (FP): 9 Low-achieving students were incorrectly classified as “High Achievers”.
  • False Negatives (FN): 6 High-achieving students were incorrectly classified as “Low Achievers”.

3.4.1 Evaluation metrics

The confusionMatrix package produces several classification metrics; we will explain them here with equations in light of our results.

  • Accuracy: Measures the proportion of correct predictions (both true positives and true negatives) out of the total number of cases. In our case, accuracy was 0.7414 indicating that approximately 74.14% of the classifications were correct. The 95% CI (Confidence Interval) indicates that the interval (0.6096, 0.8474) likely contains the true accuracy. The accuracy is calculated according to the following equation:

    \[ \text{Accuracy} = \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN} = \frac{20 + 23}{20 + 23 + 9 + 6} = 0.7414 \]

  • Kappa: Cohen’s Kappa is a measure of agreement between the observed accuracy and the accuracy expected by chance. In our case, the kappa value was 0.483 indicating a moderate agreement beyond chance. As a practical rule, Kappa of 0–0.20 is considered slight, 0.21–0.40 as fair, 0.41–0.60 as moderate, 0.61–0.80 as substantial, and 0.81–1 as almost perfect.

    \[ \kappa = \frac{\text{Accuracy} - \text{Expected Accuracy}}{1 - \text{Expected Accuracy}} = \frac{0.7414 - 0.5}{1 - 0.5} = 0.4828 \]

  • Mcnemar’s Test P-Value: This test assesses if FP and FN differ significantly, the high p-value (0.789) in our case suggests no significant difference between the error rates for either class.

3.4.2 Sensitivity and Specificity

  • Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) measures the model’s ability to correctly identify “Low Achievers” (the positive class in this case). A value of 0.6897 indicates that the model were able to correctly identify 68.97% of actual “Low Achievers.”

    \[ \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{TP}{TP + FN} = \frac{20}{20 + 9} = 0.6897 \]

  • Specificity (True Negative Rate) measures the model’s ability to correctly identify “High Achievers” (the negative class). A value of 0.7931 suggests that the model correctly identified 79.31% of actual “High Achievers.”

    \[ \text{Specificity} = \frac{TN}{TN + FP} = \frac{23}{23 + 6} = 0.7931 \]

Please note that the model was able to identify more of high achievers than low achievers, this is probably due to the fact that high achievers generate more data that can be used to identify them. Predictive Values
  • Positive Predictive Value (PPV or Precision): The proportion of positive results that are true positives. The PPV of 0.7692 indicates that 76.92% of the predicted “Low Achievers” are actual “Low Achievers”.

    \[ \text{PPV} = \frac{TP}{TP + FP} = \frac{20}{20 + 6} = 0.7692 \]

  • Negative Predictive Value (NPV): The proportion of negative results that are true negatives. The NPV of 0.7188 indicates that 71.88% of the predicted “High Achievers” are actual “High Achievers”.

    \[ \text{NPV} = \frac{TN}{TN + FN} = \frac{23}{23 + 9} = 0.7188 \] Prevalence and Detection

These metrics provide insights into the distribution of the positive class (Low Achievers) in the actual data and in the model’s predictions.

Prevalence: The proportion of the total number of cases that are positives. The prevalence of 0.5 indicates that 50% of the students are “Low Achievers”. The detection rate of 0.3448 indicates that 34.48% of the total students were correctly identified as “Low Achievers”. The detection prevalence of 0.4483 indicates that 44.83% of the students were predicted to be “Low Achievers”.

The code below computes the confusion_matrix and prints it.

# Step 5: Evaluate the model
# Create confusion matrix
confusion_matrix <- confusionMatrix(test_data$Predicted_Class, test_data$Achievement)

# Print confusion matrix and other metrics
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction       Low_Achievers High_Achievers
  Low_Achievers             21              6
  High_Achievers             8             23
               Accuracy : 0.7586          
                 95% CI : (0.6283, 0.8613)
    No Information Rate : 0.5             
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 5.025e-05       
                  Kappa : 0.5172          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.7893          
            Sensitivity : 0.7241          
            Specificity : 0.7931          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.7778          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.7419          
             Prevalence : 0.5000          
         Detection Rate : 0.3621          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.4655          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.7586          
       'Positive' Class : Low_Achievers   
                                  Visual evaluation

In step 6 we evaluate the model performance visually. We use a fourfold plot to visualize the confusion matrix, in which the circles in each quadrant are proportional to the counts in the matrix (Figure 4.2). The additional circumferences in each quadrant represent the confidence intervals of each count.

# Step 6: Visualize results
roc_obj <- roc(test_data$Achievement, predictions_prob[, "Low_Achievers"])

Figure 2. Confusion matrix

Next we plot the ROC curve which is a graphical representation of model’s performance across all possible threshold values (Figure 4.3). The ROC curve plots the True Positive Rate (Sensitivity) against the False Positive Rate (\(1 - \text{Specificity}\)). In other words, the ROC curve helps visualize the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity. A good model would have higher values of sensitivity and specificity resulting in a curve above the diagonal line while a bad model would produce a diagonal line. Another related value is the area under the curve (AUC). The AUC quantifies the overall ability of the model to discriminate between positive and negative classes, value ranges from 0 to 1 where AUC = 0.5 indicates the model performs no better than random guessing, values below 0.5 indicate that the model performs worse than random guessing and AUC values more than 0.5 indicates the model performs better than guessing (assuming that there are the same number of high achievers than low achievers). In our case, the value was 0.76 which is a moderate performance.

# Plot ROC curve
plot(roc_obj, asp = NA)
auc_value <- auc(roc_obj)
print(paste("AUC:", auc_value))
[1] "AUC: 0.762187871581451"

Figure 3. ROC Curve for Random Forest Model Explainability

Given the importance of intepretability of machine learning models, it is important to understand which of the features of our dataset contribute to the final prediction [40, 41]. For this purpose, we can extract the variable importance and visualize them. The code below extracts variable importance values from the fitted random forest model (rf_model). The importance values contain two metrics: MeanDecreaseAccurac and MeanDecreaseGini. The MeanDecreaseAccuracy measures how much the accuracy of the model decreases when a particular variable is excluded. Higher values indicate that the variable is more important for maintaining the accuracy of the model. For instance, Freq_Forum_Contribute has the highest MeanDecreaseAccuracy value of 39.6879041, suggesting it is the most critical variable for the model’s accuracy. In contrast, Freq_Lecture_View has a negative value (\(-0.2569615\)), indicating that excluding this variable slightly improves the model’s accuracy. Please note that a more detailed explanation of model explainability is offered in next chapters with more comprehensive methods [42, 43].

The MeanDecreaseGini measures the total decrease in node impurity that a variable contributes across all the trees in the forest. Higher values signify greater importance. For example, Freq_Forum_Contribute again shows high importance with a MeanDecreaseGini value of 21.348017, emphasizing its importance for predicting students’ achievement. On the other hand, Freq_Lecture_View has a lower MeanDecreaseGini value of 5.959581, indicating it is less influential in reducing impurity.

# Extract variable importance from the fitted model
importance_values <- rf_model$importance

# Convert to a data frame for plotting
importance_df <- as.data.frame(importance_values)
importance_df$Variable <- rownames(importance_df)
# Plot variable importance for MeanDecreaseAccuracy
ggplot(importance_df, aes(x = reorder(Variable, MeanDecreaseAccuracy), 
                          y = MeanDecreaseAccuracy)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "turquoise") +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "Variable",
       y = "Importance") +

# Plot variable importance for MeanDecreaseGini
ggplot(importance_df, aes(x = reorder(Variable, MeanDecreaseGini), 
                          y = MeanDecreaseGini)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "turquoise") +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "Variable",
       y = "Importance") +

(a) MeanDecreaseAccuracy

(b) MeanDecreaseGini

Figure 4. Variable Importance for the Random Forest Model

3.5 Tutorial 2: An alternative implementation of random forests with tidymodels

In this section, we present an alternative to the process described in the previous example using tidymodels [44] instead of the classic approach. The tidymodels framework offers a unified streamlined interface for machine learning in R that makes it easier to specify models, update them, and compare one against another. Instead of working with different packages for different models, each with its own syntax, tidymodels employs a consistent syntax across all stages of estimation. All the more so, when we need to estimate several models as it is the case in our tutorial, tidymodels makes it easier to estimate and maintain the code. The main packages within tidymodels include rsample [37] for data splitting, parsnip for a specifying models [45], recipes for data pre-processing and feature engineering [46], workflows for combining pre-processing, modeling, and yardstick [47] for model evaluation. A more detailed discussion of tidymodels can be found the in the previous chapter.

Performing the classification with tidymodels follows a sequence of steps similar to what we had before with some differences. In general, the first three steps (loading packages, preparing the data and splitting) are the same as before but later steps uses the standard approach of defining models, workflows, training and evaluation. Below is a detailed description of the code and estimation steps.

3.5.1 Preparing the data

The first steps are similar to the traditional approach: we load the necessary packages tidyverse and tidymodels; then we prepare the data (Figure 11.4–B) by creating a binary target variable, which we call Achievement based on Final_Grade to classify students to low and high achievers.


# Set seed for reproducibility

# Load and prepare the data
# Assuming student_data is already loaded into the environment
student_data <- raw_data |>
  mutate(Achievement = factor(ifelse(Final_Grade > median(Final_Grade), 
                                     "High_Achievers", "Low_Achievers"),
                              levels = c("Low_Achievers", "High_Achievers")))

3.5.2 Splitting the data into training and testing sets

Next, we split the data into training and testing sets (Figure 11.4–C). The training set is then used to make the actual predictions and the testing test is used for model evaluation. We opt again here for stratified sampling strata = Achievement to preserve class distribution (balanced proportion of high and low achievers in the training and testing datasets).

# Step 2: Split the data into training and testing sets
data_split <- initial_split(student_data, prop = 0.8, strata = Achievement)
train_data <- training(data_split)
test_data <- testing(data_split)

3.5.3 Creating a recipe

Unlike the previous chapter [1], where we used a formula, we extend it here by using a recipe. A recipe offers more options like including other data preparation and pre-processing steps. In our case, we define a recipe with a formula and also a function for normalizing the predictors so that all variables are on a similar scale. For that, we use step_normalize(all_predictors()) function which will create new variables with standard deviation of one and a mean of zero.

# Create a recipe
rf_recipe <- recipe(Achievement ~ Freq_Course_View + Freq_Lecture_View + 
                    Freq_Forum_Consume + Freq_Forum_Contribute + 
                    Regularity_Course_View + Regularity_Lecture_View + 
                    Regularity_Forum_Consume + Regularity_Forum_Contribute + 
                    Session_Count + Total_Duration + Active_Days,
                    data = train_data) |>

3.5.4 Creating the model

Next, we define the random forest model specifications. In this specification, we define the rf_spec object which will store the configuration for our model. The specification sets the trees parameter to 1000 which means the random forest will consist of 1000 decision trees. A larger number of trees generally leads to more stable results. The mtry parameter is set to 5, which means that during each split in the decision trees, the algorithm will randomly select 5 predictors (from the engagement indicators). This randomness helps prevent overfitting and ensures diversity among the trees. Then, we specify the engine for our random forest using the set_engine("ranger")** function. The ranger engine is a fast and efficient engine that can handle large datasets. Most importantly, we specify set_mode("classification"), which means that the random forest model will predict a categorical outcome (high or low achievers), compare this to regression in the previous chapter.

# Create a random forest model specification
rf_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1000, mtry = 5) |>
  set_engine("ranger",  importance = "impurity") |>

3.5.5 Creating a workflow

The next step is to create a workflow which is a container that holds the recipe and the model specifications that we just defined. Workflows provide a way to chain these components together and execute them in a specific order when fitting the algorithm. To create a workflow for a random forest model, we begin by initializing the workflow object using the function workflow() and adding the recipe rf_recipe that that we just created containing the formula and the pre-processing steps. Next, we specify the model that we just defined rf_spec. In the following step, we fit the model (Figure 11.4–D) to the training data by passing it to the fit function and the workflow and we store the fitted model to the object rf_fit_tidy. rf_fit_tidy contains data about how the model predicts the data.

To evaluate the model’s performance (Figure 11.4–E), we generate predictions on the test dataset test_data using the trained model rf_fit_tidy. We enhance our test dataset with these predictions by computing three new columns and adding them to the test_data: Predicted_Class_tidy, which contains the predicted class for each observation; Probability_Low_Achievers_tidy, which gives the probability of an observation being classified as a “Low Achiever”; and Probability_High_Achievers_tidy, which provides the probability of an observation being classified as a “High Achiever”. The resulting augmented dataset combines original features and the predictions and their probabilities which will make it easier to plot and evaluate the data later.

# Create a workflow
rf_workflow <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(rf_recipe) |>

# Fit the model
rf_fit_tidy <- rf_workflow |>
  fit(data = train_data)

# Make predictions on the test set
predictions_prob_tidy <- predict(rf_fit_tidy, test_data, type = "prob")
predictions_class_tidy <- predict(rf_fit_tidy, test_data)

# Add predictions and probabilities to the test dataset
test_data <- test_data |>
    Predicted_Class_tidy = predictions_class_tidy$.pred_class,
    Probability_Low_Achievers_tidy = predictions_prob_tidy$.pred_Low_Achievers,
    Probability_High_Achievers_tidy = predictions_prob_tidy$.pred_High_Achievers)

3.5.6 Evaluating the model

In the next step, we evaluate the performance of the model. The process involves creating a confusion matrix and computing several evaluation metrics as before. The first part of the code generates a confusion matrix. This matrix provides a summary of how well the model is performing in distinguishing between the classes.

In the code below, we create the confusion matrix using the conf_mat() function. Computing the evaluation metrics in yardstick [47] has two steps 1) defining the metrics and then computing them. So, we define the custom set of evaluation metrics using the metric_set function. This set includes the common classification metrics: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, balanced accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value.

Finally, we compute these custom metrics and add them the test data. The function calculates all the specified metrics, comparing the true Achievement values against the Predicted_Class_tidy predictions. The event_level = "first" parameter specifies which class should be considered the positive class for binary classification metrics, i.e., low achievers. The resulting detailed metrics are stored in ‘detailed_metrics_tidy’ and then printed.

The results of the evaluation shows that the accuracy of the model is 0.741 which means that 74.1% of “High Achievers” and “Low Achievers” were correctly classified. The sensitivity of 0.793 means that in 79.3% of the times, the model correctly identified students who are actually “Low Achievers” and labeled them as such. Specificity shows how the model identified the other category of students: “High Achievers” and identifying them which was approximately 69.0%. The F-measure, around 0.754, combines sensitivity and precision into a single metric, balancing the model’s ability to identify “High Achievers” with how accurate those predictions are. This score indicates a good balance between detecting “High Achievers” and avoiding false positives. In case you are interested, the F-measure is computed as the harmonic mean of precision and recall following this formula.

\[ \text{F1-Score} = 2 \cdot \frac{\text{Precision} \cdot \text{Recall}}{\text{Precision} + \text{Recall}} = 2 \cdot \frac{0.7692 \cdot 0.6897}{0.7692 + 0.6897} = 0.7273 \]

Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of 0.719 indicates how often the model’s prediction of “Low Achievers” is correct which was accurate in 71.9% of the time. Negative Predictive Value (NPV) was 0.769, showing the accuracy of predictions for “High Achievers was correct 76.9% of the time. Balanced Accuracy was 0.741 and reflects the model’s overall performance across both classes by equally weighting the ability to correctly identify”Low Achievers” and “High Achievers.”

# Confusion Matrix
conf_mat_tidy <- conf_mat(test_data, truth = Achievement, 
                          estimate = Predicted_Class_tidy)
Prediction       Low_Achievers High_Achievers
  Low_Achievers             20              6
  High_Achievers             9             23
# Custom metric set
custom_metrics_tidy <- metric_set(accuracy, sens, yardstick::spec, 
                                  f_meas, bal_accuracy, ppv, npv)

# Compute all metrics
detailed_metrics_tidy <- test_data |>
    truth = Achievement, 
    estimate = Predicted_Class_tidy,
    event_level = "first")

# A tibble: 7 × 3
  .metric      .estimator .estimate
  <chr>        <chr>          <dbl>
1 accuracy     binary         0.741
2 sens         binary         0.690
3 spec         binary         0.793
4 f_meas       binary         0.727
5 bal_accuracy binary         0.741
6 ppv          binary         0.769
7 npv          binary         0.719

In the last step, we estimate and plot the AUC and ROC curve. The visualization and estimation follow exactly the same way we did before (Figure 4.5). The only difference is that we use roc_curve() function from the yardstick package [47]. The function takes two important arguments, the truth argument which represents the class we predicted and the probability of the class we are focusing on which is lower achievers in our case.

# Compute ROC and AUC using yardstick
roc_data_tidy <- test_data |>
  roc_curve(truth = Achievement, Probability_Low_Achievers_tidy)

auc_value_tidy <- test_data |>
  roc_auc(Achievement, Probability_Low_Achievers_tidy) |>

# Plot ROC Curve using ggplot2
ggplot(roc_data_tidy, aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
  geom_line(color = "blue") +
  geom_abline(linetype = "dashed", color = "red") +
  labs(x = "False Positive Rate", y = "True Positive Rate") + 
  annotate("text", x = 0.75, y = 0.25, 
           label = paste("AUC =", round(auc_value_tidy, 3)), size = 5) + 

Figure 5. ROC Curve for Random Forest Model

3.5.7 Explainability

To extract the variable importance we have to pull the data from the model. In the code below we pull the variable importance data, create a data frame and then use ggplot to visualize it. As you can see, variable importance can be plotted and their interpretation could help guide us understand what actions students take that may be associated with better performance (Figure 4.6).

# Extract the ranger model from the workflow
importance_values <- pull_workflow_fit(rf_fit_tidy)$fit$variable.importance

# Convert to a data frame for plotting
importance_df <- as.data.frame(importance_values)
importance_df$Variable <- rownames(importance_df)
colnames(importance_df) <- c("Importance", "Variable")

# Plot variable importance
ggplot(importance_df, aes(x = reorder(Variable, Importance), y = Importance)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "turquoise") +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "Variable", y = "Importance") +
  theme_minimal() +
    axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black"),
    axis.title = element_text(color = "black"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold", color = "black"))

Figure 6. Variable Importance (tidymodels)

3.6 Tutorial 3: Evaluating multiple models with tidymodels

In the next example, we will take advantage of tidymodels framework to fit, evaluate and compare several models. In most practical cases, we will need to estimate several models, evaluate them, compare them and choose the one that performs better.

In the next example, we will estimate several machine learning models using the tidymodels ecosystem to streamline the process. The aim —as we did before— is to classify students into high or low achievers based on their engagement indicators. The process will follow a systematic sequence: loading the packages and the data, preparing the data, splitting it into training and testing sets, creating a recipe, defining model specifications, creating workflows, fitting the models, making predictions, evaluating the models, and finally visualizing the results. Given that we are estimating 13 models, we will create functions to save time rather than repeating the same process 13 times in each step, these functions will help automate the repetitive tasks. The following code will explain these steps as follows:

3.6.1 Preparing the data

The first step, is similar in each code we discussed before, in which we load the required packages. Also, you may be prompted to install missing packages if some dependencies are not loaded. The required packages here are the packages that provide the engines for the algorithms we are estimating e.g., (ranger, xgboost, kernlab, glmnet, nnet, discrim, naivebayes, randomForest, baguette), and modeling and evaluation tools (yardstick, tidymodels). The engines are the software implementations of the algorithms we are estimating. Then we import the student data which includes the engagement indicators and the final grade and prepare it for analysis (Figure 11.4–B). Given that we are doing a classification task, we need a binary outcome, as before, we add a new column to the data that divides the students into “High_Achievers” or “Low_Achievers” based on whether their final grade is above or below the median (top or bottom 50%).

# Step 1: Load and prepare the data
# Assuming student_data is already loaded into the environment
student_data <- raw_data |>
  mutate(Achievement = factor(ifelse(Final_Grade > median(Final_Grade), 
                                     "High_Achievers", "Low_Achievers"),
                              levels = c("Low_Achievers", "High_Achievers")))

3.6.2 Splitting the data into training and testing sets

Then, we split the data into training and testing sets (Figure 11.4–C). We use initial_split from rsample with the option strata to ensure an 80/20 split while stratifying by the Achievement column to maintain the proportion of high and low achievers in both sets. These steps are already familiar by now.

# Step 2: Split the data into training and testing sets
data_split <- initial_split(student_data, prop = 0.8, strata = Achievement)
train_data <- training(data_split)
test_data <- testing(data_split)

3.6.3 Creating a recipe

In this step, we create a recipe that specifies the predictors (engagement indicators) and the target variable (achievement). The recipe also includes a step to normalize all predictor variables, so that they are measured on the same scale. This normalization step is particularly important for algorithms that are sensitive to the scale of the input features to ensure that features contribute equally to the model. Given that we will use identical recipe for all models, we won’t have to write multiple recipes, this is in fact, one of the powerful features of tidymodels.

model_recipe <- recipe(Achievement ~ Freq_Course_View + Freq_Lecture_View + 
                       Freq_Forum_Consume + Freq_Forum_Contribute + 
                       Regularity_Course_View + Regularity_Lecture_View + 
                       Regularity_Forum_Consume + Regularity_Forum_Contribute + 
                       Session_Count + Total_Duration + Active_Days,
                       data = train_data) |>

3.6.4 Create all model specifications

In this step, we specify the machine learning models through the parsnip package interface [45]. This involves specifying each algorithm and setting the engine and the parameters. We selected some popular algorithms for demonstration purposes. However, for a full list of supported algorithms, please refer to the parsnip [45] documentation. Below is the list of algorithms we will demonstrate, along with their respective engines and packages:

  1. Random Forest: Random Forest is an ensemble learning method that builds multiple decision trees and merges their predictions by averaging for more accurate and stable results. It is implemented using two engines: ranger from the ranger package [48], known for its speed and performance, and randomForest from the randomForest package, which is the original R implementation [3].

  2. XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting): XGBoost is an efficient and scalable implementation of the gradient boosting framework, optimizing performance by iteratively improving model accuracy. It is implemented using the xgboost engine from the xgboost package [49].

  3. Support Vector Machines (SVM): SVM is a powerful classification algorithm that finds the best boundary (hyperplane) to separate different classes in the data. It is implemented through the kernlab engine from the kernlab package [50].

  4. Logistic Regression: Logistic Regression is a well-known classification algorithm that models the probability of a binary outcome. It uses the glm engine from base R.

  5. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): KNN is a simple, non-parametric algorithm that classifies a data point based on the majority class of its nearest neighbors. It is implemented using the kknn engine from the kknn package [51].

  6. Neural Networks: Neural Networks are computational models inspired by the human brain, capable of modeling complex patterns in data through layers of interconnected nodes. They are implemented using the nnet engine from the nnet package [52].

  7. Decision Trees: Decision Trees split the data into branches to help make decisions based on the features of the data. They are implemented using the rpart engine from the rpart package [53].

  8. Naive Bayes: Naive Bayes is a probabilistic algorithm based on Bayes’ theorem, assuming independence between features. It is implemented through the naivebayes engine from the naivebayes package [54].

  9. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA): LDA is used for classification, finding the linear combinations of features that best separate different classes. It uses the MASS engine from the MASS package [55].

  10. Bagged Trees: Bagged Trees is an ensemble method that improves the stability and accuracy of machine learning algorithms by combining multiple models. It uses the rpart engine from the rpart package [53].

  11. Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS): MARS is a non-linear regression technique that models relationships by fitting piecewise linear regressions. It is implemented using the earth engine from the earth package [56].

  12. Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART): BART is a Bayesian approach to machine learning that creates a sum-of-trees model for both regression and classification tasks. It is implemented using the dbarts engine from the dbarts package.

These models cover a wide range of popular approaches, all implemented under the parsnip framework for consistent and streamlined usage.

Below is the code that loads the required packags and creates a function specifying each model and its engine, ensuring the full name of the algorithm is used for better display in later steps.

library(tidymodels) # laod the tidymodels framework and its packages
# Load the required packages for each algorithm
# Random Forest
library(ranger) # Engine: ranger, known for its speed and performance
library(randomForest) # Engine: randomForest, the original R implementation
# XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting)
library(xgboost) # Engine: xgboost, gradient boosting framework
# Support Vector Machines (SVM)
library(kernlab) # Engine: kernlab, a powerful classification algorithm
# Logistic Regression
# Base R includes glm, no additional package needed
# K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
library(kknn)  # Engine: kknn, a simple, non-parametric classification algorithm
# Neural Networks
library(nnet) # Engine: nnet, inspired by the human brain for complex patterns
# Decision Trees
library(rpart) # Engine: rpart, recursive partitioning for classification trees
# Naive Bayes
library(discrim) # Engine: naivebayes, based on Bayes' theorem
# Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
library(MASS)  # Engine: MASS, classification via linear combinations of features
# Bagged Trees
# Uses the same package as Decision Trees: rpart
# Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)
library(earth) # Engine: earth, non-linear regression with piecewise linear fits
# Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART)
library(dbarts) # Engine: dbarts, Bayesian approach creating a sum-of-trees model
library(baguette)  # Engine: rpart, an ensemble of decision trees
library(parsnip) # Interface for `tidymodels`

set_classification <- function(x, engine) {
  x |> set_engine(engine) |> set_mode("classification")

# Function to specify each model and its engine
create_model_specs <- function() {
    "Random Forest (ranger)" = rand_forest() |> set_classification("ranger"),
    "XGBoost" = boost_tree() |> set_classification("xgboost"),
    "SVM (RBF)" = svm_rbf() |> set_classification("kernlab"),
    "Logistic Regression" = logistic_reg() |> set_classification("glm"),
    "K-Nearest Neighbors" = nearest_neighbor() |> set_classification("kknn"),
    "Neural Network" = mlp() |> set_classification("nnet"),
    "Decision Tree" = decision_tree() |> set_classification("rpart"),
    "Naive Bayes" = naive_Bayes() |> set_classification("naivebayes"),
    "Linear Discriminant Analysis" = discrim_linear() |> set_classification("MASS"),
    "Bagged Tree" = bag_tree() |> set_classification("rpart"),
    "Random Forest (randomForest)" = rand_forest() |> set_classification("randomForest"),
    "MARS" = mars() |> set_classification("earth"),
    "BART" = parsnip::bart() |> set_classification("dbarts")

# Create the model specifications
model_specs <- create_model_specs()

3.6.5 Creating the workflows and fitting the data

Rather than creating a list of 13 workflows, we define a function that automates the process and we use lapply to apply this function to all list items. The function helps easy specification of the models with their respective engines and parameters and the results will be a list which we will also use in further analysis in the same way.

The code below has two key functions: create_workflows and fit_models. The create_workflows function builds a workflow for each model specification in the provided model_specs list, using the specified model recipe and lapply to iterate over the list items. This results in a list of workflows. Then, the fit_models function is used to fit each of these workflows to the training data (Figure 11.4–D), again using lapply to apply the function to every workflow in the list.

create_workflows <-  function(spec) {
  workflow() |> add_recipe(model_recipe) |> add_model(spec)

model_workflows <- lapply(model_specs, create_workflows)

### Fitting the models

fit_model <- function(workflow) {
  fit(workflow, data = train_data)

model_fits <- lapply(model_workflows, fit_model)

3.6.6 Evaluating the models

Once the models are trained, we can make predictions on the test data. Similar to the previous steps, we create a make_predictions function, and then apply this function to each element of the model_fits list (created in the previous step). The function uses predict to get both class predictions and probabilities, and bind them with the test data for late steps in the evaluation evaluation.

We then, evaluate the models (Figure 11.4–E) with a custom function evaluate_model using several metrics as before. Our evaluation will includes computing a confusion matrix, the evaluation metrics (accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, balanced accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV)) as well as ROC curve for each algorithm. Given that the function creates several objects for all the model, the function is a but more sophisticated, and uses list lists.

make_predictions <- function(fit) {
  predict(fit, test_data) |>
    bind_cols(predict(fit, test_data, type = "prob")) |>

model_preds <- lapply(model_fits, make_predictions)

evaluate_model <- function(pred, model_name) {
  # Confusion Matrix
  conf_mat <- conf_mat(pred, truth = Achievement, estimate = .pred_class)
  # Other metrics (Class metrics only)
  metrics <- metric_set(accuracy, sens, yardstick::specificity, 
                        f_meas, bal_accuracy, ppv, npv)
  model_performance <- metrics(pred, truth = Achievement, 
                               estimate = .pred_class)
  # ROC Curve
  roc_curve <- roc_curve(pred, truth = Achievement, .pred_Low_Achievers) |>
    mutate(model = model_name)
  list(conf_mat = conf_mat, performance = model_performance, roc = roc_curve)

# Evaluate each model and store results
evaluate_all_models <- function(preds, model_names) {
  mapply(evaluate_model, preds, model_names, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

evaluation_results <- evaluate_all_models(model_preds, names(model_preds)) Combining and Plotting Results

We then combine the performance metrics and ROC curve data for all models into single data frames. These data frames will be used to generate visualizations and for comparison if needed.

combine_performance_metrics <- function(evaluation_results) {
  performance_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(evaluation_results, function(res) {
  performance_df$model <- rep(names(evaluation_results), 
                              times = sapply(evaluation_results, function(res) {

performance_df <- combine_performance_metrics(evaluation_results)

combine_roc_curves <- function(evaluation_results) {
  do.call(rbind, lapply(evaluation_results, function(res) {

roc_df <- combine_roc_curves(evaluation_results)

extract_confusion_matrices <- function(evaluation_results) {
  lapply(evaluation_results, function(res) {

conf_mat_list <- extract_confusion_matrices(evaluation_results)

We define a color palette for plotting and then create plots for performance metrics and ROC curves.

palette <- c("darkgreen", "green", "cyan", "blue", "purple", "magenta", "pink",
             "red", "orange", "yellow", "darkgoldenrod4", "grey", "black" )

performance_df |>
  dplyr::select(model, .metric, .estimate) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = .estimate, names_to = "metric", values_to = "value") |>
  ggplot(aes(y = .metric, x = value, fill = model)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = palette, name = "Metric") +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = "Value", y = "Model") 

Figure 7. Model Performance Metrics

ggplot(roc_df, aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity, color = model)) +
  geom_line(size = 0.5) +
  geom_abline(linetype = "dashed") +
  scale_color_manual(values = palette, name = "Metric") +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = "1 - Specificity", y = "Sensitivity") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")

Figure 8. ROC Curves for Different Models

Finally, we plot the confusion matrices for each model using a heatmap.

plot_confusion_matrix <- function(conf_mat, model_name) {
  autoplot(conf_mat, type = "heatmap") +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "blue") +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = paste(model_name), fill = "Count")


# List to store ggplot objects
plot_list <- list()

# Generate and store each confusion matrix plot
for (model_name in names(conf_mat_list)) {
  conf_mat_plot <- plot_confusion_matrix(conf_mat_list[[model_name]], model_name)
  plot_list[[model_name]] <- conf_mat_plot

# Combine all plots into one grid
# Adjust ncol based on how many columns you want
grid.arrange(grobs = plot_list, ncol = 3, nrow = 5) 

Figure 9. Confusion matrices of each model

You can compare the algorithms and evaluate which algorithm has better performance and choose the best model based on this analysis.

4 Discussion

This chapter explained the application of machine learning, specifically classification techniques, to identify at-risk students in educational settings. We transitioned from the regression-based prediction of student grades discussed in the previous chapter [1], to a focus on identifying risky categories of academic performance namely low achievers.

The chapter demonstrated a detailed tutorial on using the Random Forest algorithm for classification. It covered the entire workflow, including data preparation—creating a binary target variable and splitting data into training and testing sets—model training, applying the model to new data, and evaluation using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall and sensitivity. Additionally, the importance of model interpretability was highlighted by showcasing how to extract and visualize variable importance in a Random Forest model. This helps in understanding which factors contribute most significantly to the classification, offering insights into student behaviors that correlate with success or failure. An alternative implementation using the tidymodels framework was presented. This modern approach provides a streamlined and consistent syntax for various machine learning tasks, making it easier to build, compare, and maintain models. Using tidymodels, we demonstrated how to automate the process of fitting, predicting, and evaluating thirteen different classification algorithms, including Random Forest, XGBoost, SVM, Logistic Regression, KNN, Neural Networks, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes, LDA, Bagged Trees, MARS, and BART.

If we can accurately early predict low achievers, we can identify those who are struggling early in the course. This allows for proactive interventions, preventing students from falling too far behind and potentially dropping out [17, 57]. Understanding the factors that contribute to a student being classified as “at-risk” can inform personalized support strategies [42, 43, 58]. For example, if low engagement with forum discussions is a significant predictor, educators can encourage participation or encourage students to interact with their peers. For teachers, they can use the classification models to identify struggling students before they fail a course, allowing them to reach out, offer additional support, and address any underlying issues that may be hindering progress. The insights gained from variable importance analysis can help teachers tailor their feedback and resources to address specific student needs. Furthermore, these models may help teachers allocate their time and resources more efficiently by focusing on students who need the most support—particularly valuable in large classes where providing individualized attention can be challenging. also, educators can use the data to initiate conversations about academic progress, identify areas where students are struggling, and collaboratively develop strategies for improvement.

However, it is important to acknowledge potential drawbacks associated with predictive modeling in education. One significant concern is the risk of profiling students and inaccurately labeling them as low achievers when they are not. Misclassifications can have detrimental effects on students’ self-esteem, motivation, and overall educational experience. False positives—students incorrectly identified as at-risk—may receive unnecessary interventions, which can lead to stigmatization or decreased expectations from teachers and peers.

Therefore, it is important to use predictive models as supportive tools rather than judgments. Integrating human insight with predictive analytics ensures a more nuanced understanding of each student’s needs. We can’t stress enoguh how ethical considerations must be at the forefront when implementing predictive analytics where transparency about how predictions are made, ensuring data privacy, and actively working to mitigate biases in the models are essential steps.


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